Sunday, September 30, 2012

Negotiating w/ Grrrissa!

Grrrissa, event planning, negotiating and deal making

If you haven’t heard of Carissa Squadroni, aka Grrrissa, just wait!  It won’t be long until this badass chick will be known all over the U.S.!  Yea, she’s a gorgeous woman but looks aren’t all this girl has!  She’s a mother, booking agent, event coordinator, promoter, bartender, cosmetologist, musician, entrepreneur, model…..(taking a breath), body piercer, AND she owns her own production company,  Heavy Rebel Productions.   Whew!  If she hasn’t done it yet, I’m sure she will!

She’s from Mishawaka, Indiana, which is right outside of South Bend, Indiana.  (If you still don’t know what I’m talking about, it’s where Notre Dame is.  ...Ahhh haaa, I bet you got it now!)  Anyhoo, she’s always working on some kind of event, whether it’s promoting or planning the whole da*&n thing!  So, I decided she’s the perfect local professional to talk to.  Check out our convo!

Me:  “Carissa, I know you work with a lot of bands, whether it’s locally or nationally.  Do you have any problems with the artists when it comes to negotiating prices for the performances?  Also, what are your positional bargaining tactics?”

Carissa:  “I occasionally have problems but it varies depending on the show and certain situations. When I'm booking, normally, at the bar we usually do a $500 guarantee.  Sometimes they also want food and drinks. Local bands don’t charge as much because they don't have a large following of people that come out, so I'll usually go by a certain percentage of the drawer for that.  For my larger events I charge a cover at the door and the bands split it then I get a percentage of the bar sales. It really varies on the band and such. Usually I will only negotiate if I know the band will bring a lot of people in.  If not, then I won’t have anything to do with them.  When I deal with national acts, I usually only book the ones I can afford and know I will at least break even because I don’t have a lot of money to put down on a deposit. If I really want a band that I cant afford, then on occasion, I'll find a check writer. When booking, I usually ask if they have a guarantee and go from there. I tell them what we can offer depending on the business they bring in, but like I said, for national bands it’s a little different (much harder) process. They don't negotiate well.   Others are cool about it because they’re just looking for extra shows as they’re passing through here to go to another one.”

Grrrissa, event planning, negotiating and deal making
Me:  “Ok, so working with local bands seems to be easier.  Have you negotiated a deal with a local band that has benefitted you both?”

Carissa:  “The scene around here isn't that great.  Not many people come out to shows.  It’s getting better but it’s still a bit over saturated.  So, in this business, it mostly depends on business whether both parties are benefitted.  Anytime I negotiate a fair percentage of the drawer seems to be best for both parties but usually lower for the bands.  If we do a cover at the door, they get to keep the door, and that’s usually the best bet. My best strategy is acting like we're superior.  As in we really don’t need ‘em knowing they need and want to get playtime.  With that, they'll usually start off with the lowest price, then if they bring in a lot of business ill throw ‘em some extra.”

Me:  “Okay, okay.  I like your style.  Either take it or leave it!  HA!  All right, one more question and I’ll leave you back to your busy, busy life.  What type of personality usually comes out when you are negotiating to make a good deal?”

Carissa:  “I'm a little too fair to be an extremely great business woman because generosity doesn’t work too well but I’m happy with doing the best I can so both parties are happy! In the end it works better for the bar.”

Me:  “Yea, unfortunately being nice and fair doesn’t usually get people far in the business world, but lucky for you, you are doing great!  Thank you for your time!”

Ladies and Gentlemen, that was Carissa aka Grrrissa! 

To keep up with this lovely lady, you can check out her website, Heavy Rebel Productions, or add her on Facebook (Grrrissa).  She’s pretty entertaining on Facebook too.  

 Thanks Carissa!

Grrrissa, halloween, event planning, negotiating and deal making 

Make sure to check out her latest event, Rebelween!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Online Business Start-Up Made EASY Fasheezi!

online business, start online business, event planning business, event trends

When people think about starting a business, their mind probably overwhelms them with thought after thought of how much work, money, and time will be involved.  It actually might deter them away from the thought…BUT since the Internet businesses are booming, it might be a good idea to think about how you can turn to the internet! 

Instead of just having a company website, take your whole company to the Internet to not only browse, but buy products or services.  There could also be a way to speak to customer service, exchange products and so on.    The best part of this whole thing is that it’s A LOT cheaper than starting your own “on-location” business. 

PC World actually has a nice article talking about how to start an online business with just $100..yup..only ONE HUNDRED BUCKS!  A couple things he discusses are:
-Finding an affordable web host
-Get logos and design work
-Build an e-commerce site on the cheap
-Finding a big sales partner
-and so on.

starting online business, event business, event planning businessAlso, has a good article about taking just three easy steps to start your own online business.  The author talks about the three steps, which are:
-Make a sell
-Sell more than a bigger margin. 
He also discusses knowing customer value, which is the number one key in operating your own business.  If people don’t buy your product, you don’t have a business.  It’s that simple.  So making the customer feel appreciated and important is a huge step to a successful business. 

One more thing I want to point out is the authoring discusses what everyone might think: “If it’s so easy, why isn’t everyone doing it?”  Well it’s simple.  Just because there are only three MAIN steps to take, there are still many little and detailed tasks that need to be complete in those main steps. 

These are only a few articles that I have found, but there are 1000’s more!  If you are looking to start your own online business, these two articles are a great place to start!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

WooHoo! RFID's to the Event's Rescue!

Just when you thought marketing events couldn’t get easier, RFID’s were born!
RFID, Buzz band, social media, marketing, events
First off, I’ll start off by explaining that these products use RFID’s, which are radio frequency identification chips that are placed in smart card badges ( Now everyone pretty much knows how to promote using social media such as Facebook, Twitter and blogging on their computer, smart phone or iPad.  Well, how about using something completely new:  the new media “buzz band platforms.”

Buzz Brand platform bridges social media with real world events.  An exchange is connecting attendees with Facebook to gather demographics, track attendance, promote social media interactions and add value to sponsors.   There are also wristbands and kiosks that gather information such as check-ins, poll results.  They even take pictures.  These are ways to extend conversation beyond event attendees and a way to know which demographics are enjoying your event (
RFID wristband, social media, marketing, event 
A few other features include: a control panel, mobile stats, surveys, contests & challenges, a social ticker and having the option to customize for each individual event. has just a few ways that RFID chips are being utilized within events today.  Check out their website for more information!

Buzz Band

  Now, I know you’re all thinking how much does something like this cost?  Well it’s not as bad as it once was when RFID’s first came about.  There was an article in 2005 called “Going for (Not So) Broke: The True Cost of RFID”, which states that company’s like Walmart would pay between $500,000 to a million dollars for a system like this(Not So Broke).  Well, times are a changing, and so are the prices.  The RFID Journal answers some frequently asked pricing questions about the system and other equipment.  Prices seem to be fairly reasonable today, well at least for the equipment.  The article also discusses how much tags, readers and the whole system would cost today.  Check out this website for more information!  Who knows, the RFID could be a perfect fit for your event!  RFID Journal

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Virtual Website Building!

Web designs, virtual, event planningStarting an online business is VERY time consuming...but I guess it's just like any other business.  I've noticed that I've been spending A LOT of time researching all the different ways to promote it when I realized that I need to start building my website...DUH!  If I want an online business, a website should be the number one priority!  (Yes, I know....not too brilliant lol)

Anywho, I came across a blog called WebLinkIndia that I thought I would share, that has a ton of different websites that offer information about designing business logo's, web applications, and tips to help your business grow.  Those are just a few resources they have.

Even though these websites provide a lot of helpful information, I know that I want my website to have a virtual "design" room, so I needed some software that could help with that.  This was a tough one though!  You would think that with all the virtual games and avatars and what not, the software would be easy to find....WRONG!  Unless I'm just overlooking something, I'm having a really hard time finding virtual web designing software.

Then one day, I tried again and ALL these wonderful websites came up with downloadable software and even FREE trials.  The first one I found is Virtual Mechanics.  They have a regular software and a pro software. I'm more interested in the pro.  They both offer:
- Visual drag and drop
-Built-in FTP Publishing
-Exports to HTML & SVG
-Drawing Capabilities
-Multi-Page Projects, and
-Graphics Editing & Creation

The Pro version offers all the above plus:
-Exports to DHTML
-Interactive Animation
-Mobile Ready Websites, and
-Workspace preview

A few other ones that I found are:

Virtual website design, event planning

design digital websites, event planning

virtual website design, event planning

 as well as, Web Design Reviews, which has a number of web design programs, their prices and reviews to check out!

These have helped me tremendously and I hope they can help you all as well!

Friday, August 10, 2012

"Event Planners Association" Rocks!

event planners association
I found an incredible event planning association that has a lot of amazing programs and features that could help my business tremendously, and I want to share it with those that are thinking about starting their own event business.  The name of the group is the Event Planners Association

On their main page they talk about whom they are and what they have to offer, which is a lot!  To start out, they offer services in ANY type of event you are looking for, from anything to a business meeting and wedding to inflatable games or DJ services.   They also offer a chance for independent event planners to join their association for a membership fee.  The benefits for the membership are well worth the fee.  You can check out the link I provided for all the perks, but I’ll name a few, which are: legal services, insurance service discount, as well as HUGE networking opportunities!  Like I said, those are just a few too!  Not only are there amazing perks, but also they have education seminars to attend so that everyone can keep up with the latest trends in the industry, certification classes, as well as safety classes just in case something were to happen where someone needed medical assistance.  They also have deals with companies that could help an event planner save money.  Some companies give discounts on decorations to members of this association, so that’s one more perk they offer!

epa code of ethics
They have fun, but also mean business.  If anyone wants to work for them, they have to abide by their Code of Ethics, which are VERY strict but these code of ethics show me that this business and association is taken very seriously.  I’m almost positive this is what has helped build a solid foundation for the company.

epa internet marketingI’m in the beginning phases of starting my business and I feel the Event Planners Association is something I’m going to seriously look into for resources.  The fee is a bit pricey but I feel like it would be worth it.  I haven’t really examined in depth the whole membership details, but the ones I did read are perks that could help out a small, independent business owner like myself.  One main reason is for the benefits.  I’m sure I would pay a TON more for individual legal services, insurance, networking, education, etc., but it’s all included in one!  Another reason is for their Internet Marketing.  The internet is a huge deal today, and if a whole association will help me market my business online, or provide more resources to use than the ones that I already have, then I’m all for it! 

If anyone is interested in starting an event planning business, I highly suggest checking out this association.  The Event Planners Association gets 5 stars and a 10 in my book!

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Event Blogging Tips

Even though I am trying to have an event planning blog, I still need tips...after all, I'm not a professional writer!  It's fun and helpful to me!  Well,  I found this article, "Three Important Tips for Event Bloggers," online and I felt it helped me, so I thought I would share it with you guys to possibly help you!

amIt basically goes into giving simple but helpful hints on how to target your market audience without having a background in writing or journalism.

Images are also a pretty big deal nowadays and when I saw this picture, I thought this article had to be pretty good.

So, check it out and I hope it helps you like it did me!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Lose Control With Social Media

I enjoyed watching Alexis Ohanian’s speech “How to Make a Splash With Social Media.”  Alexis is the owner of, which is a website where people upload videos then have their peers vote on them to basically control which ones pop up on the home or front screen of the website.

mr splashy pants
In Ohanian’s speech he gives an example of how Greenpeace, an environmental organization, wanted to stop Japanese government and their whaling campaign.  They came up with a campaign of their own to get supporters and that was to adopt a whale and name him.  They have two meaningful names and one silly name, Mister Splashy Pants.  Greenpeace was surprised when Mister Splashy Pants was the name that one.  They took it back saying it was a joke because they wanted to use one of the other meaningful names.  The voters were not happy about this and had sort of a little protest by making up Facebook pages and applications for Mister Splashy Pants as well as having real life signs put up around neighborhoods and offices. 

mr splashy pants
To make a long story short, using social media helped the cause because Mister Splashy Pants became the final name of the adopted whale!  Greenpeace also benefited by making another campaign, “Save Mister Splashy Pants” by selling clothing, buttons and even e-cards.  It worked because the Japanese government ended up calling off their mission!

This story shows how social media can impact a small cause and turn it into a national campaign.  I mean, who wouldn’t want to have a whale named Mister Splashy Pants?  This speech was also important to me because ever since I said I want to start my own business, people tell me I need to act less silly so people will take me more serious.  I always know I’d find a way around that and this campaign, which is for a serious cause, let their guard down and decided to have fun with it while accomplishing what they set out to do.  I’m also going to keep in mind a few things Ohanian said in his speech, “Lose control.  It’s ok to take yourself less seriously.”  

Monday, July 23, 2012

Budgeting An Event

As I’ve been discussing, in order to plan a successful event, there are numerous tasks that need to be handled, including a major one, writing out a budget.  It would be nice to have a client say, “I want you to plan an amazing event for me and money is no object!”  However, that’s rarely the case.  There’s almost always some window of how much money can be spent and since we are learning about budgeting in my class this week, I thought this would be a perfect time to discuss this part of event planning. 
Budget event
First off, there are a TON of websites that can be found to give you tips on starting a budget, budget proposals, as well as finding examples of budgeting templates, like this one called, The Great Event.  It’s a budget in a printable form that has most areas already spelled out so there’s not as much research as to what needs to be budgeted out.  Of course, not everything needs to be used in every event, but it is a great start! 

There’s also another website called,, that gives a great example for a budget proposal.  Before there is a budget set in stone, research has to be done to see the roundabout figures that your company would possibly have to spend, and then it would be discussed and presented in a budget proposal.  The example above is in a PowerPoint presentation format.  The budget proposal is very important because it shows where and how the money will be spent so your clients don’t feel they are getting overcharged or cheated out of their money.  It also helps us, as event planners, become more organized with the money and make sure we don’t go over budget.

One last website that I want to discuss is  This website is full of awesome information such as: budget preparation tips, including budget templates for download, definitions of common budget terms, budget preparation suggestions, possible budget cost items, plus even more budget tips.  I feel this website has a lot of useful information when it comes to budgeting.

All I had to do was go to Google and type in “concert budget” and thousands of sites and templates popped up that were easily accessed.  The ones I discussed were my favorite and most helpful so I thought I’d share them with everyone!  I’m sure some will be more helpful than others and since there are thousands to choose from, I’m sure some people will find others more helpful to them as well! 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Promoting Events Using Social Media

Event attendance depends a lot on how well the event is promoted.  It can make or break the event.  Luckily with social media and social networking, promoting is easier than ever!

promoting with social media
The number one media platform that comes to mind when wants to promote an event is social media.  There's a website called BullsEye that gives "10 Clever Tweets to Promote an Event" using Twitter.  A couple examples are: letting the audience get behind the scenes as well as using competitions and giveaways.

There's another site that goes more in depth with multiple media platforms is Mashable.  Some of the platforms discussed are Skype and Googledocs.  There are even social media platforms not as common like, PBworks, where you can build an online team to promote, Ning, where you can build your own social networks, or GarysGuide where you can promote your event for thousands to see!

The possibilities are endless with social media and these are just a FEW examples of what can be used!  I promise if you check out one website, there will be related articles to take you to other sites that may give you information you didn't even think of!  You could think social media is the only way to promote events today, but find out there is more social media available than you thought, plus a whole lot more!  Check it out!

I'd also love to hear from others that have had to use social media to promote anything!  Thanks a lot guys!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

What Business PLAYER Are You?

Ever since I started this program in April, I've been more excited than ever to start my business.  I read page after page of old and new articles that has anything to do with the event business.  Recently I came across a webpage, which is awesome by the way, that has introduced me to a lot of creative ideas.  That website is XMediaLab.  In their own words, they describe themselves as a "creates a meeting place uniquely designed to assist companies and people in getting their own creative ideas successfully to market, through concept development, business matching, and direct access to world-class networks of creative professionals."  So, I figured I'd give it a whirl and check it out!

I found an interview with Dr. Steffan P. Walz, who is the Director of Games & Experimental Entertainment Laboratorywill at XML.  I first went to the interview because of the title.  It popped out and was the first thing I saw on the page, even though it happened to be three or four items down the page.  It read "Are you an ACHIEVER? A KILLER?  An EXPLORER?  Or a SOCIALIZER?  Find out which PLAYER you are!Link ----> Right Here <---.  I'm thinking to myself, heck yea I want to find out which PLAYER I am!  So, I clicked on it.  

Dr. Steffan Walz's interview was brief but to the point.  I liked his responses because they were quick and to me, a bit witty.  I am a bit witty myself, so I enjoyed it.  If you don't want to take the time to check out the interview, an example of a Q&A is: 

"How do you turn a creative idea into a business?
You best flip it around one hundred times, sleep over it (it will be flat in the morning, perhaps), give it a good shake - don't break the good parts, though - and look intently if it still has potential and smells nice. Then, kill the schnickschnack and find the best possible team to make it a reality" (XMediaLab).

I don't know about any of you, but I like that answer.  To me, it basically tells us that the first idea is going to be picked at and changed until the best form possible comes out.  After the right idea is decided and the bad ones thrown out, or in this case killed, then find the people that are going to help make it come to life.

If you are a person that enjoys humor when it comes to learning, this is a good interview to read.  If you need something more formal, then maybe you can Google something different.  Dr. Walz has shown me, just by this interview and reading what he has accomplished, there is a way to be funny, silly and professional while doing what you love to do.  I am witty, funny and like to joke and be silly.  I do, however, know when to be serious, but if I can be myself and still start a professional business, then it's on!  I can now say I feel more comfortable than ever to jump into the business world!  Thank you Dr. Walz!

And speaking of fun when it comes to business, I found another website, TurnPassionIntoBusiness, that has some fun ideas that will help with your business.  One of the tips they included was by using a voice that connects (TurnPassionIntoBusiness).  The website also includes business articles, overcoming blocks,  as well as advice to preventing failure.

These might not help you, but they sure have answered a few questions I had as well as given me a few more ideas!  I'm stocked, cocked and ready to go!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pricing Events When Starting Your Business

Here is my first blog about event planning.  Since I want to eventually start a business of my own, I figured this blog will help me with information as well as educate others on the event planning process from start to finish.

event planning pricingI want to begin with pricing.  I honestly don't have the slightest clue on where to start with pricing events so I'm going to do some research.  According to the website AboutEventPlanning, there are several factors to consider when pricing events.  Some of the factors to determine would be the market you are in, the types of products and services that are going to be used as well as how long the project is estimated to put together.  This website also says it is important to determine a flat fee.  This website has a lot of information about pricing for events.

At PowerHomeBiz's website, they provide information about start-up costs and pricing.  This is another website to look to for advice about not only pricing for your services but start-up costs for starting your business.  This information helped me out tremendously with ideas.

For anyone interested in this industry, it's definitely a good direction to go because this industry is booming.  In an earlier project I did in my last class, I had to write a research paper on the event planing industry and it is estimated at earning 5 billion dollars annually!

There is a lot more to learn about this industry, but this is a good start.  It's also an important part of starting up your business.  I can't wait to learn more and share my information with everyone!  Until next time...