Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Virtual Website Building!

Web designs, virtual, event planningStarting an online business is VERY time consuming...but I guess it's just like any other business.  I've noticed that I've been spending A LOT of time researching all the different ways to promote it when I realized that I need to start building my website...DUH!  If I want an online business, a website should be the number one priority!  (Yes, I know....not too brilliant lol)

Anywho, I came across a blog called WebLinkIndia that I thought I would share, that has a ton of different websites that offer information about designing business logo's, web applications, and tips to help your business grow.  Those are just a few resources they have.

Even though these websites provide a lot of helpful information, I know that I want my website to have a virtual "design" room, so I needed some software that could help with that.  This was a tough one though!  You would think that with all the virtual games and avatars and what not, the software would be easy to find....WRONG!  Unless I'm just overlooking something, I'm having a really hard time finding virtual web designing software.

Then one day, I tried again and ALL these wonderful websites came up with downloadable software and even FREE trials.  The first one I found is Virtual Mechanics.  They have a regular software and a pro software. I'm more interested in the pro.  They both offer:
- Visual drag and drop
-Built-in FTP Publishing
-Exports to HTML & SVG
-Drawing Capabilities
-Multi-Page Projects, and
-Graphics Editing & Creation

The Pro version offers all the above plus:
-Exports to DHTML
-Interactive Animation
-Mobile Ready Websites, and
-Workspace preview

A few other ones that I found are:

Virtual website design, event planning

design digital websites, event planning

virtual website design, event planning

 as well as, Web Design Reviews, which has a number of web design programs, their prices and reviews to check out!

These have helped me tremendously and I hope they can help you all as well!

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