Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Promoting Events Using Social Media

Event attendance depends a lot on how well the event is promoted.  It can make or break the event.  Luckily with social media and social networking, promoting is easier than ever!

promoting with social media
The number one media platform that comes to mind when wants to promote an event is social media.  There's a website called BullsEye that gives "10 Clever Tweets to Promote an Event" using Twitter.  A couple examples are: letting the audience get behind the scenes as well as using competitions and giveaways.

There's another site that goes more in depth with multiple media platforms is Mashable.  Some of the platforms discussed are Skype and Googledocs.  There are even social media platforms not as common like, PBworks, where you can build an online team to promote, Ning, where you can build your own social networks, or GarysGuide where you can promote your event for thousands to see!

The possibilities are endless with social media and these are just a FEW examples of what can be used!  I promise if you check out one website, there will be related articles to take you to other sites that may give you information you didn't even think of!  You could think social media is the only way to promote events today, but find out there is more social media available than you thought, plus a whole lot more!  Check it out!

I'd also love to hear from others that have had to use social media to promote anything!  Thanks a lot guys!

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