Sunday, September 2, 2012

WooHoo! RFID's to the Event's Rescue!

Just when you thought marketing events couldn’t get easier, RFID’s were born!
RFID, Buzz band, social media, marketing, events
First off, I’ll start off by explaining that these products use RFID’s, which are radio frequency identification chips that are placed in smart card badges ( Now everyone pretty much knows how to promote using social media such as Facebook, Twitter and blogging on their computer, smart phone or iPad.  Well, how about using something completely new:  the new media “buzz band platforms.”

Buzz Brand platform bridges social media with real world events.  An exchange is connecting attendees with Facebook to gather demographics, track attendance, promote social media interactions and add value to sponsors.   There are also wristbands and kiosks that gather information such as check-ins, poll results.  They even take pictures.  These are ways to extend conversation beyond event attendees and a way to know which demographics are enjoying your event (
RFID wristband, social media, marketing, event 
A few other features include: a control panel, mobile stats, surveys, contests & challenges, a social ticker and having the option to customize for each individual event. has just a few ways that RFID chips are being utilized within events today.  Check out their website for more information!

Buzz Band

  Now, I know you’re all thinking how much does something like this cost?  Well it’s not as bad as it once was when RFID’s first came about.  There was an article in 2005 called “Going for (Not So) Broke: The True Cost of RFID”, which states that company’s like Walmart would pay between $500,000 to a million dollars for a system like this(Not So Broke).  Well, times are a changing, and so are the prices.  The RFID Journal answers some frequently asked pricing questions about the system and other equipment.  Prices seem to be fairly reasonable today, well at least for the equipment.  The article also discusses how much tags, readers and the whole system would cost today.  Check out this website for more information!  Who knows, the RFID could be a perfect fit for your event!  RFID Journal

1 comment:

  1. Event management is really a creative job. You need to hire a best event management company for your corporate or personal events. Thanks for sharing such an amazing post.
