Sunday, September 16, 2012

Online Business Start-Up Made EASY Fasheezi!

online business, start online business, event planning business, event trends

When people think about starting a business, their mind probably overwhelms them with thought after thought of how much work, money, and time will be involved.  It actually might deter them away from the thought…BUT since the Internet businesses are booming, it might be a good idea to think about how you can turn to the internet! 

Instead of just having a company website, take your whole company to the Internet to not only browse, but buy products or services.  There could also be a way to speak to customer service, exchange products and so on.    The best part of this whole thing is that it’s A LOT cheaper than starting your own “on-location” business. 

PC World actually has a nice article talking about how to start an online business with just $100..yup..only ONE HUNDRED BUCKS!  A couple things he discusses are:
-Finding an affordable web host
-Get logos and design work
-Build an e-commerce site on the cheap
-Finding a big sales partner
-and so on.

starting online business, event business, event planning businessAlso, has a good article about taking just three easy steps to start your own online business.  The author talks about the three steps, which are:
-Make a sell
-Sell more than a bigger margin. 
He also discusses knowing customer value, which is the number one key in operating your own business.  If people don’t buy your product, you don’t have a business.  It’s that simple.  So making the customer feel appreciated and important is a huge step to a successful business. 

One more thing I want to point out is the authoring discusses what everyone might think: “If it’s so easy, why isn’t everyone doing it?”  Well it’s simple.  Just because there are only three MAIN steps to take, there are still many little and detailed tasks that need to be complete in those main steps. 

These are only a few articles that I have found, but there are 1000’s more!  If you are looking to start your own online business, these two articles are a great place to start!

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