Friday, April 26, 2013

Crowd Funding: Helping Finance Your Dream

crowd funding
No matter what your dream is, it’s going to end up costing money.  The problem is, that if you don’t have rich parents or a significant other to pay for it, you might end up working multiple jobs or taking out countless loans to get it started.  That is, until now.  There is a thing called, crowd funding, that basically gets other people to fork over the dough in order for you to get started on something you’ve always wanted to do.

Now, I know it sounds too good to be true, and there is a little work you have to do in order to get the funding, but it is quite simple.  First off, it’s probably important to explain what crowd funding is, so here’s a little description.  According to Oxford Dictionary online, crowd funding is “the practice of funding a project or venture by raising many small amounts of money from a large number of people, typically via the Internet” (Oxford Dictionary Online n.d.).  A lot of musicians and filmmakers use crowd funding in order to get their projects financed.  At the same time, entrepreneurs use it to get their businesses started as well as scientists to help get funded for research. 

There are a number of crowd funding websites to turn to for multiple projects.  I want to list a few:
And the list goes on and on.  You can check out this list, plus more at, 

Crowd funding is a lot like presenting your business proposal to investors, except your presenting your ideas to regular, everyday people, in hopes of getting your project funded.  However, just like with any other business deal, there comes the fee.  The fees for the crowd funding websites are all different, but nonetheless, there will be fees.  Some examples would be taking a certain percentage of your sales, once you start making money.  Or, another example would be to charge a flat percentage rate of your total fund.  These are just a few examples of the fees of crowd funding, but at the same time, the most popular ones. 

Lastly, it’s all about strategy when it comes to funding your big project.  Like anything else, you must do a lot of research before making a huge step like this, especially if trying to borrow $1,000’s of dollars.  Also, most of these transactions are done over the Internet, and with all the scams going on these days, it’s even more important to be extra cautious.  So be careful!

Until then, Happy Crowd funding!

10 Crowdfunding Sites To Fuel Your Dream Project. (n.d.). Design Tips, Tutorials and Inspiration - Retrieved April 27, 2013, from

Best Crowdfunding Websites Reviewed | CrowdFunding Website Reviews. (n.d.).Best Crowdfunding Websites Reviewed | CrowdFunding Website Reviews. Retrieved April 27, 2013, from

Definition of crowdfunding in Oxford Dictionaries (British & World English). (n.d.). Oxford Dictionaries Online. Retrieved April 27, 2013, from

Thursday, April 11, 2013

2013: New Trends To Help Plan Your Event

event planning trends, 2013, branding, budget, go green, stay local, event technology, decoration

The way events are being put together today are far different than ten years ago.  With technology rapidly advancing, event planning is easier and more convenient than ever.  I want to point out a few trends that experts feel will be used more in 2013.

event planning trends, 2013, branding, budget, go green, stay local, event technology, decoration
Branding and Strategy
It's all about coming up with the right strategy that works well with your brand identity.  Building your brand to gain a positive reputation is one of the most important places to start.

As with anything else, technology is taking over.  There will be no need for the use of paper in the near future when it comes to planning an event.  With tablets, smartphones and many others, technology is another major way in helping out the industry.  It can make anything easier, from managing meetings to
event planning trends, 2013, branding, budget, go green, stay local, event technology, decoration
guest registration.  As Mitra Sorrells, an associate editor for BizBash explains, "The apps that rise to the top..will be the smartest, most user-friendly, multifunction apps, such as ones that offer registration, social media promotion, networking, communication, sponsors benefits, and post-event analytics in one low-cost product."

Decor & Atmosphere
event planning trends, 2013, branding, budget, go green, stay local, event technology, decorationEnough with the seated dinners that tend to become boring because you're seated with people you don't even know.  The new trend has buffet style dinners so people can get up and mingle. This helps the atmosphere become more relaxed.  Let's not forget about decoration and location.  According to Meeting Minds, "location is key."  Also, being able to add personalization and guest participation help.  I mean, who doesn't love a random photo booth?

event planning trends, 2013, branding, budget, go green, stay local, event technology, decorationFunding & Budgeting
Saving money is something that is going to continue to be a trend.  The only problem is that event's will cost money.  One example of a solution is to either take your event (usually meetings) down the virtual path, or work extra hard to make your event so appealing, that people won't mind spending the money.

Local & Green
Lastly, in today's society, going Green seems to be a growing trend in every industry.  So it's no surprise the event industry is climbing on board.  An example of this would be serving healthier and organic items to eat.  Staying local is
event planning trends, 2013, branding, budget, go green, stay local, event technology, decoration

also part of this category because people don't have to travel as far.  This saves from using gas in their cars or flying.

These are just a few trends that I found.  The list will continue to grow as the event industry will be around for a long time. You can also find this information at the link below.  The sites also includes other event planning information.
