Sunday, June 10, 2012

What Business PLAYER Are You?

Ever since I started this program in April, I've been more excited than ever to start my business.  I read page after page of old and new articles that has anything to do with the event business.  Recently I came across a webpage, which is awesome by the way, that has introduced me to a lot of creative ideas.  That website is XMediaLab.  In their own words, they describe themselves as a "creates a meeting place uniquely designed to assist companies and people in getting their own creative ideas successfully to market, through concept development, business matching, and direct access to world-class networks of creative professionals."  So, I figured I'd give it a whirl and check it out!

I found an interview with Dr. Steffan P. Walz, who is the Director of Games & Experimental Entertainment Laboratorywill at XML.  I first went to the interview because of the title.  It popped out and was the first thing I saw on the page, even though it happened to be three or four items down the page.  It read "Are you an ACHIEVER? A KILLER?  An EXPLORER?  Or a SOCIALIZER?  Find out which PLAYER you are!Link ----> Right Here <---.  I'm thinking to myself, heck yea I want to find out which PLAYER I am!  So, I clicked on it.  

Dr. Steffan Walz's interview was brief but to the point.  I liked his responses because they were quick and to me, a bit witty.  I am a bit witty myself, so I enjoyed it.  If you don't want to take the time to check out the interview, an example of a Q&A is: 

"How do you turn a creative idea into a business?
You best flip it around one hundred times, sleep over it (it will be flat in the morning, perhaps), give it a good shake - don't break the good parts, though - and look intently if it still has potential and smells nice. Then, kill the schnickschnack and find the best possible team to make it a reality" (XMediaLab).

I don't know about any of you, but I like that answer.  To me, it basically tells us that the first idea is going to be picked at and changed until the best form possible comes out.  After the right idea is decided and the bad ones thrown out, or in this case killed, then find the people that are going to help make it come to life.

If you are a person that enjoys humor when it comes to learning, this is a good interview to read.  If you need something more formal, then maybe you can Google something different.  Dr. Walz has shown me, just by this interview and reading what he has accomplished, there is a way to be funny, silly and professional while doing what you love to do.  I am witty, funny and like to joke and be silly.  I do, however, know when to be serious, but if I can be myself and still start a professional business, then it's on!  I can now say I feel more comfortable than ever to jump into the business world!  Thank you Dr. Walz!

And speaking of fun when it comes to business, I found another website, TurnPassionIntoBusiness, that has some fun ideas that will help with your business.  One of the tips they included was by using a voice that connects (TurnPassionIntoBusiness).  The website also includes business articles, overcoming blocks,  as well as advice to preventing failure.

These might not help you, but they sure have answered a few questions I had as well as given me a few more ideas!  I'm stocked, cocked and ready to go!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Pricing Events When Starting Your Business

Here is my first blog about event planning.  Since I want to eventually start a business of my own, I figured this blog will help me with information as well as educate others on the event planning process from start to finish.

event planning pricingI want to begin with pricing.  I honestly don't have the slightest clue on where to start with pricing events so I'm going to do some research.  According to the website AboutEventPlanning, there are several factors to consider when pricing events.  Some of the factors to determine would be the market you are in, the types of products and services that are going to be used as well as how long the project is estimated to put together.  This website also says it is important to determine a flat fee.  This website has a lot of information about pricing for events.

At PowerHomeBiz's website, they provide information about start-up costs and pricing.  This is another website to look to for advice about not only pricing for your services but start-up costs for starting your business.  This information helped me out tremendously with ideas.

For anyone interested in this industry, it's definitely a good direction to go because this industry is booming.  In an earlier project I did in my last class, I had to write a research paper on the event planing industry and it is estimated at earning 5 billion dollars annually!

There is a lot more to learn about this industry, but this is a good start.  It's also an important part of starting up your business.  I can't wait to learn more and share my information with everyone!  Until next time...